	Copyright (c) 2020 Varnish Software AS
	SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
	See LICENSE file for full text of license

.. _whatsnew_upgrading_6.5:

Upgrading to Varnish 6.5.0


The JSON output (``-j`` option) changed to avoid having the ``timestamp``
field mixed with the counters fields. As such the schema version was bumped
from 0 to 1, and a ``version`` top-level field was added to keep track of
future schema changes. Counters are in a new ``counters`` top-level field.


    "timestamp": "YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS",
    "MGT.uptime": {


    "version": 1,
    "timestamp": "YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS",
    "counters": {
      "MGT.uptime": {

The filter option ``-f`` is now deprecated in favor of the ``-I`` and
``-X`` options for field inclusions and exclusions, respectively. Tools
using ``varnishstat`` should prepare for future removal and be changed


If you need to build VSL queries that depend on ``BackendReuse`` you can
now rely on ``BackendClose``, for example::

    varnishlog -q 'BackendReuse[2] ~ www'

The new query would be::

    varnishlog -q 'BackendClose[2] ~ www and BackendClose[3] eq recycle'

Changes for developers and VMOD authors


VSB support for dynamic vs. static allocations has been changed and
code using VSBs will need to be adjusted, see

It should be noted that the VSB itself and the string buffer must be either
both dynamic or both static. It is no longer possible for example to have
a static ``struct`` with a dynamic buffer with the new API.

Workspace API

VMODs using the Workspace API might need minor adjustments, see

In general, accessing any field of ``struct ws`` is strongly discouraged
and if the workspace API doesn't satisfy all your needs please bring
that to our attention.


The ``'f'`` argument for ``VSC_Arg()`` is now deprecated as mentioned in
the above note on `varnishstat`_ and :ref:`whatsnew_changes_6.5_vsc`.

Otherwise you can use the ``'I'`` ans ``'X'`` arguments to respectively
include or exclude counters, they work in a first-match fashion. Since
``'f'`` is now emulated using the new arguments, its filtering behavior
slightly changed from exclusions first to first match.

If like ``varnishstat`` in curses mode, you have a utility that always
needs some counters to be present the ``'R'`` argument takes a glob of
required fields. Such counters are not affected by filtering from other
``VSC_Arg()`` arguments.

Official Packages related changes

* The default systemd `varnish.service` unit file now sets `varnishd` to
  listen for PROXY protocol connections on port 8443. This corresponds
  with the Hitch default configuration, making it easier to set up Varnish
  using TLS.

* The default systemd `varnish.service` unit file now enables the HTTP/2
  feature of `varnishd`. This corresponds with the default ALPN token
  advertisement in the Hitch default configuration, making it easier to
  enable HTTP/2 in Varnish setups.
