Put Varnish on port 80 ---------------------- Until now we've been running with Varnish on a high port which is great for testing purposes. Let's now put Varnish on the default HTTP port 80. First we stop varnish: ``service varnish stop`` Now we need to edit the configuration file that starts Varnish. Debian/Ubuntu (legacy) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On older Debian/Ubuntu this is `/etc/default/varnish`. In the file you'll find some text that looks like this:: DAEMON_OPTS="-a :6081 \ -T localhost:6082 \ -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl \ -S /etc/varnish/secret \ -s default,256m" Change it to:: DAEMON_OPTS="-a :80 \ -T localhost:6082 \ -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl \ -S /etc/varnish/secret \ -s default,256m" Debian (v8+) / Ubuntu (v15.04+) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On more recent Debian and Ubuntu systems this is configured in the systemd service file. Applying changes to the default service is best done by creating a new file `/etc/systemd/system/varnish.service.d/customexec.conf`:: [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/sbin/varnishd -a :80 -T localhost:6082 -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -S /etc/varnish/secret -s default,256m This will override the ExecStart part of the default configuration shipped with Varnish Cache. Run ``systemctl daemon-reload`` to make sure systemd picks up the new configuration before restarting Varnish. Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Red Hat/CentOS you can find a similar configuration file in `/etc/sysconfig/varnish`. Restarting Varnish again ------------------------ Once the change is done, restart Varnish: ``service varnish start``. Now everyone accessing your site will be accessing through Varnish.